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To be able to implement this guide, you need to learn how to insert PHP snippets to your website.

You can find guide here: WP Beginner

This action compatible with Better Messages 2.0.64 or higher

This action allows to prevent new conversation start based on custom conditions.

add_action( 'better_messages_before_new_thread', 'custom_restrict_new_thread', 10, 2 );
function custom_restrict_new_thread( &$args, &$errors ){
// User id who is trying to create conversation
$user_id = Better_Messages()->functions->get_current_user_id();

// Get array with recipients user ids, which user trying to start conversation with
$recipients = $args['recipients'];

* Your logic to determine if this user can create thread
$can_create_thread = false;

if( ! $can_create_thread ){
* Adding error which will be shown to user
$errors['uniqueErrorSlug'] = 'You cant start new thread now.';
